Endris Ahmed Edeso
Secretary head of the college dean's office.
Alage Agricultural TVT College is a college that has been contributing greatly to the teaching and learning process since its establishment, and our trainees are making a name for themselves by doing effective work in the type of work they are engaged in. The college community needs to support us in their comprehensive activities to move the college forward. Also, since our college is a large institution that is carrying out extensive development work every year, I entrust you with the support and continuous monitoring of the relevant department heads and the college community to make it productive. I also entrust the teachers of our college to support the college with your work beyond teaching and also to play your important role in the transfer of technology with the neighboring kebeles. I wish you all the best.
E-mail: alage_deansecrretary_office@alagecollege.edu.et
Phone Number 04611655009, Fax Number 0461165012